Sunday, June 10, 2012

yesterday's updates

Well on Saturday, even though it was really really hot out, Joel got out with the tractor and started working on a trench for electric to our pond. He was digging the trench and I was helping, we got the conduit in and buried from the woodshed to the martin house telephone pole by the pond, we also will be diggin another trench to the toolshed and another to the bridge to bring electric to those areas as well.

While he was digging by the pond with the tractor he also removed some of one of the clay piles and backbladed the bank to the water's edge, love that, can't wait to have the entire thing done (someday).

I mentioned a tree that was fallen and hung up in the woods, but he couldn't get to it with the width of our trails back there being too narrow, low and curved (tractor to big, long and high). So after looking at the tree he decided to build a road back to the tree so he could pull it down.

Behind our target pile, he began cutting a road through an area of woods that was mostly dead and downed trees and clearings, only had to knock over a few weedy trees to do it. He managed to clear about 100 feet long of trail back to the tree and put a strap around it and with much hassel pulled the one down. There is another dangerous one but he was afraid it would fall on him so that one needs to be cut with a chainsaw first, so that was that for the night. A lot accomplished in one day. 92 F out today so no tractor work for a few more days for the forseeable future.

1 comment:

  1. Metsa müük tegeleb metsa ostu ja müügiga Eestis. Raiekohta haldavad vajaduse korral kõige keskkonnasõbralikumad metsatehnika ja kogenud töötajad. Metsa ABC on üks tunnustatumaid ja usaldusväärsemaid metsamajandusettevõtteid Eestis. Selle ühistud abistavad metsaomanikke metsa või puidu müümisel ja muude metsamajandustööde tegemisel.
