Friday, March 23, 2012

Dandelion recipes from Paul's blog

Dandelion recipe borrowed from

Dandelion Jelly
8 oz. dandelion blossoms
2 lemons (sliced)
1 lb. jam or jelly sugar (can be replaced with apple pectin stock)
3 cups of water
Bring water to boil, add  lemons and the yellow leaves of the blossoms, let boil for 5 min and then simmer for 1h. Filter through a very fine colander, return to pot, add the jelly sugar and bring to boil again. Stir for 5min. Fill in cleaned jelly jar. Label and date. Keeps fresh in the fridge for 8 months.

Dandelion Salad with Pistachio Dressing
ca 8 oz of cleaned dandelion leaves or a mixture of dandelion and romano
bunch of fresh mint
bunch of Spring onions (wild onions will do just great)
2 tbsp orange juice
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup of grated pistachios
5 tbsp olive oil
salt, pepper, cumin
Clean and cut salad, mint and spring onions, place in a bowl
Roast the grated pistachios lightly
Blend orange juice, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper and cumin to a creamy dressing and drip over the salad mixture. Top with roasted pistachios.