Friday, May 9, 2014


Well it is finally ..really.. spring. We have had solid rainy days nearly every day now for a few weeks and the ground is pudding. The trees are leafing out (the ones the rabbits didn't destroy) and there is hope for growth even on the little stubs left of the ones the rabbits chewed all the bark off of. (many of which I still haven't gotten to cut down yet as I said, the ground is pudding). My guess is about 90 % of the shrubs were ruined on our property and will have to start their growth from the ground up, so no berries or nuts on any of those this year, or very few. A few actual "trees" were ruined as well, my fault for not putting wire around them high enough up, 4' is not high enough..and some will survive with some major pruning of rabbit damaged my poor pear trees, lots of branches lopped of them already.

My tomato plants are sitting out on the east deck in the rain, my squash, melons, cucumbers, etc..that I planted in peat pots are nearly all up and growing wildly and my herbs are still making it on my window sills, but some are way overgrown (started too early !).

A few things are peeking through the soil, like perennials and a few self seeders from 2013..but unfortunately even the asparagus is really late, not a single spear in site. Also no morels yet to be found on our property.

I also have peas and lettuce up in the hugelbed that I put in before we flooded too badly to be walking around that area..and I did get some grass seed in where the ground got severely damaged (driving in pudding)..

I had hoped to build a gazebo on my east deck, which I did manage to get done this last week, at least the 4 posts and roof framing are up, can't put the lattice on the top for the woodbine vines until the rain allows me to paint it..and only one section of railing is up, others need to be redone, spindles removed, length cut, spindles reattached and put up for one, the next one has to be totally built and I haven't gotten the 2x4's bought for that yet. I'll do photos later.

I also bought 2 retractable clotheslines to attach to it and shed is up and I used it for some sheets yesterday before the rain came back in, was nice to have it only 2 steps from the laundry room door and up on a solid deck..newly boughten line did sag some though so it will be attached slightly differently before next use..and I do have 2 prop poles..bought a second retractable clothesline that I need to figure out where to mount yet.

Well really nothing much to take photos of yet this spring, except chocolate pudding soil, so I'll keep this update short...


  1. Hey, I had a great time reading your website. Do you have an email address that I can contact you on? Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.



    1. I've been unable to get on myu blog for a long time so I don't know if I gave you my email then or not

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