Saturday, May 23, 2015

Redoing entry, building a deck/ramp combination

Well with Ron having knee surgery and going to be on crutches or a walker all summer, and with us NOT getting any younger, I decided to build a handicap ramp..with attached decking.

The front porch we had was converted to an enclosed porch with plexiglass, but we had left the railings up on Joel took the railings down and we realize we now need to reinforce the plexiglass as railings were holding panel frames in..oh well we can do that.

Now I have a pile of railings and the deck and ramp done. I was hoping to get the railings up this weekend, but the stores don't seem to carry the turned posts we used everywhere else on the I'll need to make a trip to Traverse City to see if I can find some up there (or maybe Joel will do that tomorrow).

The first picture is day one, when I had dismantled the front steps, and wanted to get enough of the decking up so I could put the front steps back on (no railing back up yet then) people could access our front door (if they didn't break there neck on the mess of pavers we pulled up and dirt all torn up).

The second picture is day two, Friday, when I finished the flat decking and got a start on the ramp. It is going well but each day finds me totally exhausted and sunburned.

The third picture is today, day three, Saturday Memorial Weekend. Each day I've had to make a lumber run, and Joel made a run for screws yesterday. And I'm still needing to buy more stuff, probably more spindles and need to find a place that sells the turned posts as the stores I went to don't have them.

The deck turned out to be L shape 8' across 4' wide and 8' forward 4' wide..and the ramp is 24' long 4' wide. Eventually  the railings will be up, hopefully nicely painted white..the front porch plexi frames need reinforced and painted white..and the gardens and yard need much repair, pavers reset and not covered with lawn..trellis for pink roses and blue clematis need to be reinstalled quickly as they are already growing like mad.


  1. Metsakinnistu müük on notariaalne tehing ja pärast kinnisasja ostu-müügilepingu notari kinnitamist saab metsakinnistu ostja valdusesse. Metsakinnistu müük on võimalik ka siis, kui see on koormatud kinnisasjaga.

  2. Metsa ABC on üks tunnustatumaid ja usaldusväärsemaid metsamajandusettevõtteid Eestis. Kasvava metsa müük murrab tippkvaliteeti ja jätkusuutlikkust tulevase põlvkonna jaoks. Hinnapakkumise ettevalmistamine enne metsa ostmist on tasuta.
