Well we are finally getting rain after a horrible drought and extremely hot summer. Our pond levels are back to normal, which is amazing, and things are beginning to grow again. Some things were totally lost from the drought, but thankfully many more survived.
Also had a few blessings that were NOT expected. 2 days ago I found hazelnuts on 4 of our 6 hazelnut trees, which we put in as tiny stick cuttings about 4 years ago. And my baby Medlar tree that I put in this year as a small sapling, has a fruit on it, can't wait to blett it this fall and try it as I've never had Medlar fruit.
I'm also trying to get into my head what I want to plant for a fall garden. Need to pull out my seeds I have left and see what I can get into the ground that still has time to grow . The forcast is for a hot August, a cold September and a hot October, which should make for a good season for a fall garden. A few of my plantings survived the drought but are not doing very well, so I'm hoping they'll recover with this rain now and actually grow some food. I also have squash bugs on the summer squash. I've tried oil soaps to kill them as well as squishing, but they have been winning the battle, any organic suggestions that won't harm my bees would be helpful and much appreciated.